Divine Mercy Program Success for 2 days

The Divine Mercy group at Moli has successfully ended their program with parishioners during the Solemnity of the Divine Mercy Sunday on the 16th of April.

Their program commenced on Saturday evening, which invited everyone to recite and expose to the Blessed Sacrament.


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“For a Synodal Church, We Need to do our Part” Chief Tidaka.

Chief Tindaka has organized his community at Pirumeri Village to do some charitable work at the mission station here in Nila

Beginning the Lenten season, he said that for a Synodal church, we need to do our part.

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Parish Moli  Launch Family Year.

St Joseph parish Moli launched the year of the family this 16 Sunday, July.

With the theme for the program “Evangelize and Evangelization families; salt and light of the society”, the launching was started with the procession from the priest’s house to the church before the Eucharistic Mass celebration commenced.

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Brief History of Late Fr. Callisto Tavisibatu OP

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The death of Late Fr. Calisto Tavisibatu OP has brought families, relatives, parishioners, diocesans, and friends; to their last farewell respect for Fr. Calisto who was called to rest by our Heavenly Father on the 11 of September 2021.

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Salesian Sisters Retreat at Betania, Gizo 

We sisters had our annual retreat in Gizo, at the Diocesan Retreat Centre called Betania, on the Gizo hills. Our two communities (from Henderson and Gizo, with also one sister of La Pieta’Congregation, based at Tetere Clinic) joined together to have one week of prayer and meditation on the Pope Francis last encyclical “Fratelli tutti” (“we are all brothers and sisters”). Fr Fhil Duaban was the preacher; he is a diocesan priest from the Philippines, but is almost five years that he is a missionary in the Diocese of Gizo.

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Catholic Diocese of Gizo Complete 2 Seminars

The Catholic Diocese of Gizo is coming up with its program on the Media and the Hey Mum and Dad Program for the year 2021.

And on the weekend 16th to 18th this month of July the diocese runs the Media and the Hey Mum seminar here in St. Peters parish Gizo.

IMG 8916      Media facilitator during one of the demonstration

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SIARC  (Solomon Island Association of Religious Congregations)

Gizo Diocese Chapter met at the newly completed Betania Formation Center (Jah Mountain Gizo) for a day of reflection and sharing on the last letter of Pope Francis on ‘Fratelli tutti’ (we are all brothers).


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Two general superior sisters visit Nusabaruku.

Two general superior sisters (mother General Maddalena and her vicar Noemi) from the congregation of the Servants of the Visitation visited our Diocese from February 22 up to march 1. The visited Gizo, Loga, Vanga, Fishing Village and Nusabaruka.



They are happy to come and stay in Nusabaruka, with the people to assist them in their needs. They will send Two sisters in September (one nurse and one teacher) and two more in January 2019.

They showed us an example of joy, humility and availability to be with the poor and help them like Mary as she visited Elisabeth.

The fear of the 29 Bouganvilleans around Gizo did not stop them from visiting the people. Sr. Noemi and Sr. Maddalena were very glad to visit the children and their teachers.

The Sisters told the children that they are like Mary, live like Mary and travel like Mary to visit far away communities.  They said that when they arrived here they found joy and happiness, as Mary was filled with joy when she visited Elizabeth.

Accompanying them were the three Salesian Sisters: Anna, Regina and Joana (FMA) who now run the St. Peter’s Urban training center in Gizo.
And help out at the St Peter Kindy

We have much to thank God for: as the Dominican Sisters seem to be slowing down in their presence, God is enriching our diocese with three new congregations, of of religious men (the Incarnate Word) and two of religious women (Don Bosco Sisters and Servants of the Visitation)

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