
20 Girls Attend a Day Formation.

Twenty (20) young girls were involved in the Come and See program for girls from Christ the King and St. Dominic parishes. They participated successfully in a formation program that began on May 20th.

CSee 1  CSee 2  CSee 3

Two Dominican sisters, namely Srs. Leonie and Clausina Pitamama were in charge of the program, and reporting from St. Dominic Sirovanga parish, Chris said that the program was enhanced by these sisters, who encouraged these young girls to integrate various spiritual practices such as contemplative prayer, meditation, and silence.

CSee 4  Csee 5  CSee 6

He said that a similar program for boys is planned for June. He continued by saying that the formation program's target audience is for other parishes in Choiseul Province.

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A Pagan Receives First Holy Communion.

Edward Bakabio came from Qolaiato'o Village, Easter Kwaio, Malaita Province.

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Newly Appointed Parish Priest for Kavata celebrated his first two masses.

By Joseph LaLaubatu (Diocesan coordinator)

Early on Friday the 25th of April, Fr. Albert Kalu accompanied by the Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator – Joseph Lalaubatu, left Gizo to take up the Parish Priest responsibility of Kavata Parish. On the way he spent the night at Moli Catholic Station, and on Saturday 26th Fr. Albert was given the privilege to be the main celebrant at Moli making it his first Mass at Moli Parish.On arrival at sirovanga he was welcomed by the community. On Sunday 27th Fr. Albert Kalu said his 1st Mass at our lady of Victory Church, Sirovanga. In his sermon, Fr. Albert challenged the people of Kavata to build on the new spirit of being the Church. He slowly makes himself feel at home, viewing the ocean from his house built on the rocky hill of Sirovanga. Congratulations Fr. Albert !

Pict Rt; Lady of Victoria Church Sirovanga. Pict Lt; Fr. Albert Kalu prepare for Mass Celebration with 2 altar boys, Our Lady Victoria Church.


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Fr. Albert Kalu.


Originally from Malaita– Auki Diocese, Dala Parish, he is now the Parish Priest of our Lady of Victoria, Sirovanga, Kavata Parish, Chiseul Province.


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