
MAST Program

This year makes the sixth year for the Marianist Brothers coming to the Solomon Islands to run their program  for teachers, catechists and Sunday School teachers. This year, Bro.John Sandrowicz, S.M. makes his first visit to the Solomons. Bro. Roger Poletti, S.M. was here in 2006 and is this years’ coordinator for the MAST Program. Bro.Timothy Driscoll, S.M., who has coordinated the last 5 MAST Programs was leading the Marianist Pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Sydney with 150 students coming from the 2 Marianist schools in New York.


Br Roger and Br John

MAST is an acronym for Marianist Apostolic & Spiritual Training.The brothers focus on making teachers aware that they are a real catalyst for spreading the Gospel of Christ in their classrooms,villages,and communities.Therefore,time is spent building up those pillars of the faith that will strengthen them as Catholic educators.

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Pace e Bene Workshop


Participants pace e bene workshop

Pace e bene workshop

For the first of its kind to have such workshop, Gizo diocese is among diocese of Auki and archdiocese of Honiara to benefit from Pace e bene program, Australia.The Program, from violence to wholeness is a ten part process in the spirituality and practice of active nonviolence. Formed by a small group of Franciscans and others in 1989, Pace e Bene is a growing community representing a diversity of spiritual traditions and cultural backgrounds that networks with nonviolence practitioners in many parts of the world.

Through trainings, strategic consultation, or joint action, Pace e Bene collaborates with international, national, and local organizations, religious communities, and movements taking nonviolent action to: foster just and lasting peace; champion human rights; challenge the violence of poverty and multiple forms of oppression; and strengthening spiritually-based initiatives for justice and peace.

20 participants from Noro, Canaan and around Gizo were participated for the train of trainers program. The workshop which started on 10th till 13th April was containing group discussions, sharings, role plays and presentations.

Was facilitated by Brenda Mckeagu & Caroline Cooper from Australia, were then encouraged every trainers to be committed. ….. “We don’t try to be expected but try to be facilitators”… During discussion participants are also encouraged each other for better planning to carry out the programs. “Building nonviolence community is focusing our diocesan aim that is solidarity; this workshop is a great priority to participants. Nonviolence is open up us to rediscover ourselves, our cultures and our Jesus” Said Joseph our diocesan coordinator.

The program was funded by Caritas Solomon under the cooperation agreement

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