
St. Eusebius Noro Applauds December Events. 

Saint Eusebius Noro was commended for their deeds of December 2023.

Among their delightful events was the visitation of Fr. Umberto, General Superior of Servants of Charity, who was escorted by Fr. Luigi, Delegate Superior of SMD, who highlighted their visit to Rarumana for the consecration of the renovated Chapel and their visit to Bishop Peter Houhou at Gizo as well as the visit of the two Italian AMIS volunteers.

fr.Umberto visit  visit to Bp  HFcannan  

Following that, the Feasts of St. Stephen Chapel in Sulumoni Village on Kolobangara and the Holy Family Feast in Canaan, Kohigo Island were also celebrated.

In fact, the parishioners in the rural areas surrounding Noro Township were made to feel cheerful by these activities.

carlopaoloNoro  sulumonifamily

Tags: noro, Saint, Eusebius, December, Events

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