Diocese of Gizo Celebrate Diamond Jubilee

Lately in the Diocese of Gizo, after the priest meeting that took place
 on the second week of March 2021, Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb intiates the celebration of the Diocesan Diamond Jubilee.
The main event highlighting this celebration is the pilgrimage of the Cross and the Jubilee Candle that goes around to all the 8 parishes.

processmwgina      prcsvoru
A processing match to the Chapel after the arrival of the Candle and Cross, Wagina Parish                                           Voruvoru parish, a processing match after the arrival, Candle and Cross

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Monday March 15 has been a mile stone in the growth of the GSH (GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL) at Tetere, North East Guadalcanal. Built by the Italian volunteers from 2004 to 2008 and inaugurated on January 31, 2008 it has since then catered to the 40.000 residents of the Area it serves (a population as big or even bigger than that of some provinces of the country)

In the past year it served 23.000 out patients, it admitted 1700 patients, it served 3000 mothers before and after birth, it gave birth to 960 babies. It provided assistance to referral patients with two full time ambulance services. In addition to this it provided all other services required by the ministry of health. The hospital now inaugurated and blessed a new three rooms facilities for Non-Communicable Diseases.  

What makes the Good Samaritan Hospital unique is the cleanliness of the place and the commitment of the staff. It was very evident in the joy and friendliness of them all and very noticeable in the various speeches both by the local speakers as well as from the Provincial and national Authorities.

The private initiative, the ministry support, (Dr. Jilini and dr. Denti) the commitment of the Pieta’ sisters (under the leadership of Sr Dally Rojo, the good will, enthusiasm and professionalism of the resident doctor Dr. Zimlon the visitng doctors, the nurses (headed by nurse Rex), have made GSH number one in the country. (With due respect to number nine at Honiara)

Big plans and expectations lay ahead. We have a big dream and we have proven our commitment for the past 13 years. We are called and sent to be Good Samaritans to each other no matter whether we are Jews or Samaritans, believers or not, belonging to a Church or another… universal brotherhood makes us one as children of the same father dedicated to serving each other. The animating community of the GSH

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