Hundreds Witness Consecration of New Church
Hundreds celebrated the consecration of the Moli new church building on the 26th of October at Moli mission station.
The opening was a colourful celebration, where many from Christ the King Voruvoru, St. Dominic Sirovanga and other parishes came to witnessing the consecration.
Witnessing the opening was also the premier of the Choiseul province, his delegation and chiefs from villages and tribes and those of different denominations.
The building can cater for 600 hundred or more parishioners and has an area for choir and offices and the dressing room.
"Replacing the old church building is solving this fast growing population. More children had to be gathered around the alter of the old church building and more people had to stay outside", said a parishioner.
He said that they are very lucky to have the new building, but the biggest task is to take responsibility, for repairing or to keep the church building safe from white ants and weed around the building environment.
Another said that the Moli Church building is one of those church buildings in the Choiseul province which may accommodate more people for the next 10 decades.