Pastoral time in Moli- Br Henry Natowosi

Br. HenryIn this article,I will share some of the very excited time’s during my pastoral time in Moli Parish.The People are accustomed to their daily routine. I have experienced and learnt a lot of many things and new ideas.
Interestingly,the people looked at Religious life in a very wider context– for everyone in the country.This makes me enjoy the community spirit to interact with each other in homes.Though there were counter–cultural challenges but I deserve to accept them as a challenge in my ministry.

I was very open to learn the diversity of cultures.One very interesting custom I would never forget is the sharing of food during celebration or feasts. They sit together and eat together on the ground.As community,they share the food to value their partnership to strengthen their community life.

Their Communion was a sign of God’s love.In the life of Jesus,the most important thing he did is to serve the people.The Community of people related to each other as friends,companions and partners in Prayer and in service.In one way or the other,we can use what is good in our cultures and societies so that the value of the Gospel can penetrate the hearts of many for conversion.Therefore,we should appreciate ourselves as God’s people and our cultural Values for the betterment of the community.

During the days of the week I spend couple of minutes teaching the High school and Primary students.It is one of the ways that we should do to help our young people in upbringing their faith.As Human beings,we need mental,spiritual and physical aspects to sustain the growth of life.Spiritual is one of the ways that moulds a person to be a,a good Christian in the society.I appreciate with the opportunity to share my ideas with the students.Further more I also spare time for the groups in the parish;preparing candidates for the sacrament of conformation,open discussing with other people,preaching,helping the Sunday school teachers and other activities.This help me to gain confidences to pursue more in discerning my Vocation.

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