
Bishop Peter's Visit Makes Milestone.

Bishop Peter Houhou’s visit to Sacred Heart parish has made a momentous step in having him celebrate Christmas at the parish level.

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“We are happy to have the first Bishop to celebrate Christmas with us and this is a historical event that is happening in our parish”. This was one of the speeches of a church leader who warmly welcomed him during his 10-day Christmas pastoral visit from 21st to 30th December.

Bishops' involvement in their pastoral programs before, during, and after Christmas highlighted some of the important activities that everyone was involved in celebrating.

On Sunday 22nd, 15 candidates received their sacrament of confirmation and Bishop Peter emphasized his message on the gift of the Holy Spirit. The next day, he visited a church on one of the surrounding islands.

 He celebrated Christmas Eve Mass on the 24th of  December commemorating the birth of Jesus. The next day, Christmas Day, he reminded everyone how God became man through the Incarnation, the birth of Jesus.

Bishop Peter Houhou continued to be involved in other activities until he celebrated Children’s Day on Saturday 28th and witnessed talented performances by the youths and the little ones.

On Sunday 30th, the feast of the Holy Family, he celebrated a special Mass for couples to renew their relationship as spouses.

 During the farewell celebration from afternoon until night, about 400 children from PPY, primary and secondary schools performed a show of great talent and creativity to expressing their performances in a more meaningful and significant way for all.         

Bishop Peter Houhou left for Gizo the next day, Monday, December 30, 2024.         

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30 Confirmation Candidates, Wagina.

30 candidates for confirmation have received their confirmation at Wagina during the visitation of Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb on 26 June.

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Witnessed by the parishioners more have congratulated the children for accepting the Holy Spirit and being part of the member of the church; reminding them of the ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation.

Bishop’s visitation also highlights his visit to the islands where he celebrated Mass, met people, and witness the community’s livelihood.

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Parish activities, getting in little by little. 

Wagina Island has recorded several positive cases during the outbreak since the community outbreak in their province. More have recovered and now they started to focus ahead on their normal parish activities.

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Bishop unveils new Te Maneaba in Wagina, challenges parishioners 

WAGINA community in Choiseul province has been blessed with a new community hall (Te Man
baea) which was officially opened on Sunday the 14th of January.
          The Te Maneaba known as the Holy Family Maneaba was about 40 meters in length and 20 meters wide was built since 2016.
The solemn ceremony commenced with the Eucharistic Mass celebration were a church elder has the opportunity to translate bishop's homily to the community.

Bishop Cappelli cuts the ribbon assist by some of the parish priest from oversea

New Te Maniaba
Bishop Capelli’s message was focused on helping the children and in his message he challenged the community to examine the past, and more came to realize and identified some of their prioritized areas which turn to neglect the children.

The Bishop congratulated the community and the parish priest for the beautiful community hall, and asked them to use the Maneaba in planning for the betterment for the children.

After the Mass, parishioners witnessed the cutting of the ribbon (Opening of the Maneaba) by Bishop Capelli assisted by Fr. Stanis, Fr. Rueben and a Parish priest from Noro.

This was followed by meals, entertainments, and speeches.

During night program the parish priest, Fr. Stanislaus Mynt from Burma thanked the community, the families, organizations, and companies who financially supported the construction of the hall which cost them nearly half a million.

The PP Fr. Stanis also revealed to the community the many developments the Diocese has contributed to especially the Church building which more than a million dollars.

But Fr. Stanis stated that the Diocese never contributed to the Maneaba but he challenged the community to tolerate bishop two separate challenging messages; where the bishop asked to look forward to the better education for the children.

The flying bishop left afternoon on board his small seaplane, but the program continued till 5am morning next day.

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Blessing of St. Paul’s Chapel – Nikumaroro, Wagina.







More than 1000 people came together on Sunday 24th January, 2010 at Nikumaroro village of the Sacred Heart Parish, Wagina Island, to witness the Blessing of their new Chapel. Bishop of Gizo – Most Rev Luciano Capelli sdb consecrated the newly built Chapel. Concelebrating the Holy Eucharist were Fr. Albert Kalu, the Parish Priest and Frs. Jeffery Puritau, John Tiroko and Lawrence Kimaere. Also present at the celebration were United Church & SDA ministers and their people of Wagina as well as Italian volunteer friends of our Bishop of Gizo.

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Fr Geoffrey

Originally from Malaita. Auki Diocese, Tarapaina Parish, he is the Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish, Cookson, Wagina, Choiseul Province.

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Bishop's Pastoral Visit Wagina

Bishop’s Pastoral visit to Wagina Parish highlights the important of Renewal to the Church of the Diocese of Gizo. On his arrival he was welcomed by the community elders and people from the parish. However, his arrival was unexpected but he was warmly welcomed with entertainment, refreshment and speeches from the church and community elders.

Most Rev, Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb welcomed by the community



Children receiving Confirmationls with Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb.

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Wagina Parish- Diocese of Gizo in the Solomon Islands

Wagina Parish is located on the island of Wagina, which is a few kilometres South of Choiseul Island. It is a long, wet canoe ride from Gizo from Gizo. Occasionally it is possible to catch a flight to the South end of Choiseul and then take a canoe to Wagina. The people of Wagina are almost entirely of Kiribati origin and have successfully merged aspects of Solomons and Kiribati culture. At the moment, the Parish is served part time byone of the two Malaitan priests who are on loan from the Auki Diocese in Malaita.


Last change: Feb. 11, 2005 at 19:37

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