
Marriage Enrichment Seminar En-lights More Couples


Group Presentation from Participants

 In couple - During session


Receiving Marriage Sacrament during the wedding ceremony is not enough or not the end of the wedding ceremony, but the beginning of the ceremony which is the everlasting wedding ceremony for life”, said many who attended the Marriage Enrichment Seminar at St Peter’s Cathedral, Gizo parish.

The program was attended by 8 couples and 7 mothers and fathers from in and around the Catholic Diocese of Gizo on the 12th – 16th of this month.

The program includes knowing who you are, expectation of marriage, communication, problem solving, the vocation of marriage and the Sacrament of Matrimony etc. It was a nice experience for couples to discussed some of the guided questions which each couples have time to reflect on to their family and more couple committed that it was a renewal for them.

The theme, “Our unity in Christ is the Strength of Our Family”, really impacted its sessions and many were benefited from those sessions.

The program will help couples, especially for the young couples to live and committed to raise a Christian family.

The program was facilitated by Sister Rita Pitavavine OP from the family Life Apostolate (FLA) Office and other couples who are trained for facilitating the program.


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