The Family Life Apostolate (FLA) has successfully completed its workshop on the Natural Ovulation Methods (NOM).
The workshop lasted for 3 days commenced on the 6th until 8th of April at Nila Mission station Shortland Island.
Facilitatated by Sr. Rita Pitavavini OP and Sr. Alice Salas from the Servant of the Visitation which they based their lectures on NOM. Both Sisters were Religious and they are nurses by professional and with Fr. Calistus Tavisibatu OP, a priest who took on the moral teaching of the Church.

Group presentation after a long discussion | Fr. Phil gives his message about issues affecting mothers |
A day to days activities which covers sessions on ovulation that is the menstruation cycle of a woman, how to space, stop and help to have baby (ies) and plan to have a baby boy and a baby girl. this includes the moral teaching, aims and the mission for the participants.
Participants are given time to discuss in groups to look at issues affecting mothers in their society. And during presentations other Catholic nurses share their experences the challenges (Contraceptive devices) they face while running a government clinics. They share their oponions and demand the church the right approaches to help them that they may also be able to help mothers in their community they serve.
On those sessions, questions and contributions have motivated other participants to share their views and experences.
Invited speaker Fr. Phil has his privileges to give his talk on the family issues affecting mothers in the society. He spoke on love, challenges and an adequate resolution to overcome problems that burden the families in todays world.
Informations came specifically for those 15 couples from Voruvoru, Sirovanga, Moli, Taro and Nila parish, so that they may implement the program to their parishes.
At the end of the serminar, a meal was arranged for participants, facilitators and quests. And everyone appreciated each other and to conclude, a Blessing fro everyone from the parish priest, Fr. Syanislaus.

Participants during one of their energetic game. |