
The SIARC (Solomon Island Association for Religious Congregation).

Religious Congregation / Order is a community of consecrated life with members that profess solemn vows, and they are defined and named according to their specific Charism and apostolate

On 2nd February 2023, on the Feast of Consecrated life, SIARC GIZO had a memorable Eucharistic celebration at the St Peter’s Cathedral at 6:00pm, presided by Fr. Francis Anil – Guanelian Fathers.



 It was participated by some lay and 10 SIARC members. The Holy Mass was animated by the Parish youth. At the end of the Celebration all the religious men and women with lighted candles, made their common prayer of commitment in their service to the church through their various congregations’ Charism.

 After the Holy Mass, they proceeded to the Youth Center for the Election of the new SIARC executive -  Due to the re-assignments of the previous executive member of SIARC, it was decided to elect a new set of officers in order to re-organize the above-mentioned group.

 The following are the new set of officer bearers of SIARC Gizo Diocese;

  • President – Sr. Teresa Tebaia – Dominican Sisters
  • Vice – President – Fr. Francis Anil – Guanelians Fathers
  • Secretary – Sr. Alice Salas – Servants of the Visitation
  • Treasurer – Sr. Joan Levi – Salesian Sisters

Dinner Together – After the Election of the new set of SIARC office bearers, we had a nice dinner together as each community BRING TO SHARE nutritious meal and made the evening rich in sharing and happy interaction with each other as we said goodbye and journey mercies to Sr. Leonie from Gizo Diocese who was assigned to Auki Diocese.

After some picture taking, the simple gathering closed at 9:15 pm with a short prayer led by Brother Henry  O.P.      

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