Pastoral Care for Men as Husbands & Daddies
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The Catholic Diocese of Gizo Pastoral Team has implemented a program called “HEY DAD” - a parenting education program for daddies. A series of training of trainers was conducted at each Parish venues for a total of sixty-five (65) selected daddies of Wagina, Nila, Moli, Sirovanga, and Gizo & Noro Parishes from January 19th – June 6th.
As daddies the program calls and challenges all for a greater parenting roles for their children together with their wife. Daddies have been challenged to be parents; |
Joseph Lalaubatu, Pastoral Coordinator - Diocese of Gizo |
that is to be a father and mother to their children. Not only to be the head but also to be the heart of the family together intimately intact with their wife in their parenting roles for their children. To be an effective daddy and a parent is to be a true father and mother. For without them (children) daddies would not be called daddies. It is children that call men who are husbands- daddies.
All daddies attended responded with a commitment to try and do their best in their families and to share what they have learned with other daddies and to assist young daddies in their Parish to take up their roles as parent and daddy in the family. They have shown the enthusiasm to live it and share with other daddies.
Certificates of attendance were presented at the closings and all were challenged to be good, holy daddies and advocate the parenting roles of fathers and see that young daddies in the Parish are assisted. Handbook on the Hey Dad training which contains eight sessions was given to the trainees to plan and organize sessions for their daddies in the Parish.
The formation of Parish Men’s coordinating teams after each training seriously gives the importance for the continuation of this program at the Parish level. Parish team ought to take the responsibility, together with the support of the Parish Priest & PTPA to see to extending and continuing this program for men as husbands and daddies. During the months of July – August, “Hey Dad” training workshops were conducted for Daddies of each Parish by Parish facilitators. Coming up in November 8 – 12 is “strengthening & Planning Program” training at Nila for leaders of each Parish men’s group.
The Hey Dad program was introduced to the Diocese of Gizo in 2004 – 2005 by David and Penny Kerr who travelled from Sydney and were guests of the Catholic Diocese of Gizo. Diocesan Pastoral Team sincerely, thanks David & Penny Kerr for their valuable time and contribution to the Pastoral program on-behalf of all Daddies. |