Bishop Peter Celebrates Feast Day at St. John Bosco Parish Taro.

Bishop Peter Celebrates Feast Day at St. John Bosco Parish Taro.

Bishop Peter Houhou celebrated the feast of St. John Bosco in Taro, commemorated on January 31.

The celebration was brightened by activities that began upon his arrival on January 25th, starting with his privileged visit to St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School on January 27th. There, the bishop was able to update the staff about the school's diocesan programs.

 33 confirmation cadidates at Rabakela  475718618 963333845755631 6504825333473326479 n Bishop Peter consecrat a cadidate from taro 
 475382550 962885622467120 1618036030893381633 n  475642845 962885925800423 3364179194025658067 n  475760729 962885759133773 3361681333441107052 n

Then on January 30th, he celebrated Holy Mass at Rabakela and consecrated 33 candidates for the sacrament of Confirmation; the following day, at the feast of St. John Bosco, 11 candidates from Taro and the surrounding communities received their sacrament of Confirmation.

His seven-day pastoral visit was praised by the parishioners who attended the event, especially parents who ardently desired their children to be part of the Church.

Tags: Bishop, celebrate, solemnity, Peter
