St. Peters Cathedral Gizo welcomes Holy Jubilee.

St. Peters Cathedral in Gizo, Western Province welcomed Holy Jubilee 2025 on Sunday 19th January.

A Global celebration, in which the Pope asked all Catholic Dioceses worldwide to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of going through the Holy Door purposely, to invite pilgrims to cross this sacred threshold and renew their faith. This ritual is associated with plenary indulgence, allowing believers to receive complete forgiveness of temporal penalties.

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Everyone witnessing the occasion had the chance to pass through, while the sacred threshold was left open to invite pilgrims.

Our Bishop explained that this year’s Jubilee theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, promoting Pilgrim and Hope, and invited everyone around the diocese to make a pilgrim to our Cathedral here in Gizo.

The opening ceremony was presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese of Gizo, Bishop Peter Houhou.
