Moli New Church Building Progressing.


Moli Church Building is progressing well, despite the delayed deployment of all the finishing materials from Honiara and in the bush to the island.




So much so, I would like to thank the people for their contribution of trees, and especially for their “heavy human power”, to carry all the timbers from the bush to the sea which was the most difficult part of the work.


Special thanks to the constructor Sebastian and his workers for being patient, because their payment depends very much on the stages and these stages depends on how the people work and how long the material from Honiara are delivered.


Moli Church Building is progressing well, despite the delayed deployment of all the finishing materials from Honiara and in the bush to the island. So much so, I would like to thank the people for their contribution of trees, and especially for their “heavy human power”, to carry all the timbers from the bush to the sea which was the most difficult part of the work.


Special thanks to the constructor Sebastian and his workers for being patient, because their payment depends very much on the stages and these stages depends on how the people work and how long the material from Honiara are delivered.
